The film “Reviving Voice” is garnering significant attention as a documentary that vividly records the experiences of Korean victims during the Japanese colonial period. At a press conference held on the 8th at Seoul’s CGV Yongsan I’Park Mall, director Park SooNam explained the deep meaning of this work. He revealed the intention behind the film’s production, stating, “I aimed to record the life experiences of each individual.”
“Reviving Voice” captures the voices of Korean victims who suffered under colonial rule and during the invasion wars of the Japanese colonial era. This work aims to revive their stories from forgotten history and convey them to today’s audience. Director Park SooNam emphasized at the press conference that this film originated from a desire not just to document, but to remember their lives and voices.
Notably, this documentary also reflects parts of the director’s own life. As a second-generation Korean resident in Japan, Park SooNam expressed a special sense of responsibility in conveying the stories of Koreans who carried historical pain. His personal experiences have piqued the audience’s interest in how they are woven into the film.
“Reviving Voice” intends to deliver an important message not only to the current but also to future generations, beyond being a mere record of the past. It is hoped that such historical works will continue to reach more people. The documentary’s future steps are being closely watched to see what kind of impact and lessons it will bring to audiences.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.