Upcoming film “A Normal Family” has released a new poster and teaser!
Directed by Hur Jin Ho, known for “The Last Princess,” the film “A Normal Family” is based on Herman Koch’s novel “The Dinner.” It follows a suspenseful story about four people whose lives fall apart after they watch CCTV footage of a crime involving their children.
The released poster features the four main characters—Jae Wan (Sol Kyung Gu), Jae Kyu (Jang Dong Gun), Yeon Kyung (Kim Hee Ae), and Ji Soo (Claudia Kim)—looking directly at the camera with serious expressions. One side of their faces is hidden, adding to the mystery. The poster’s caption, “Your child has killed someone. What will your choice be?” heightens viewers’ curiosity about the choices these four individuals with differing beliefs will make in the face of upcoming events.
The accompanying trailer begins with the four characters gathered at a dinner table, watching a video that reveals shocking truths about their kids. The reactions of each character—Jae Wan, who is deep in thought after learning about the incident; Jae Kyu, who reacts with anger; Yeon Kyung, who sheds tears; and Ji Soo, who watches silently—clearly convey their individual traits and spark curiosity about how each will deal with the incident.
As the trailer progresses, the fast tempo of the music and the rapid scenes of the characters grappling with the crime intensify the tension. Jae Wan’s final line, “Do you really think I’d lie to you?” directed at Jae Kyu, hints at the cracks in the relationships among the characters, adding to the suspense.
Watch the teaser below!
“A Normal Family” is set to hit theaters on October 9.
While you wait, watch Sol Kyung Gu in “Kingmaker: The Fox of the Election”:
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And check out Jang Dong Gun in “Rampant” below:
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Source (1)
Source: https://www.soompi.com/article/1687838wpp/watch-sol-kyung-gu-jang-dong-gun-kim-hee-ae-and-claudia-kim-confront-shocking-truths-about-their-children-in-a-normal-family