SBS’s Friday-Saturday drama ‘The Fiery Priest 2’ has secured the top spot in ratings from its very first broadcast, capturing the intense interest of viewers. Premiering on November 8, ‘The Fiery Priest 2’ set records with an average rating of 12.4% and a peak of 15.4% in the Seoul metropolitan area, according to Nielsen Korea, marking the highest first-episode rating among all miniseries in 2024. Particularly impressive was its 4.4% rating among viewers aged 20 to 49, making it the top program of the week and proving its popularity despite a five-year hiatus.
Several factors contributed to the drama’s first-place ranking on Wavve, the largest OTT platform in Korea, following its debut broadcast. First, the beloved ‘Gu Avengers’ members from Season 1 made a significant return in Season 2, delighting fans. Centered around Kim HaeIl (Kim NamGil), main characters like Park KyungSun (Lee HaNee) and Koo DaeYoung (Kim SungKyun) reunited, exuding a lively energy that captivated viewers.
Secondly, the action scenes, a staple of the series, thrilled audiences once again in Season 2. Director Park BoRam presented exhilarating action sequences under the motto of ‘Fun, Refreshing, and Thrilling,’ delivering a sense of satisfaction to the viewers. Kim HaeIl’s ‘fiery fist’ action and the long-take drone action scenes opened a new chapter in stylish action sequences.
Thirdly, a larger-scale story was hinted at as Kim HaeIl moved to Busan to investigate a drug case occurring in Gudam District. Scenes of him and Koo DaeYoung taking down the ‘drug cartel’ in Busan heightened tension while adding the fun of teamwork.
Lastly, the introduction of new characters in Season 2 amplified the drama’s charm. New villain Kim HongSik (Sung Jun) showcased a heinous side, Nam DuHeon (Seo HyunWoo) revealed meticulous ambition, and Koo JaYoung (Kim HyeongSeo) displayed the appeal of a passionate detective, injecting fresh vitality into the drama.
The production team expressed their gratitude to the viewers for their support following the first broadcast, stating, “The real showdown with the ‘drug cartel’ begins from Episode 3. We ask for your continued support.” Episode 3 of ‘The Fiery Priest 2’ will air on November 15 at 10 p.m., and Episode 4 will be broadcast on November 16 at 9:50 p.m.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.