Stray Kids Felix’s Incredible Hair Growth Shocks Fans

Stray Kids Felix‘s latest hairstyle surprised netizens.


Recently, Stray Kids released Episode 61 of SKZ CODE. The Stray Kids members truly transformed into kids for the “SKZ Neighborhood Watch” concept, but Felix’s styling especially caught STAYs’ attention.

Felix has been growing his hair out for a while now. Still, everyone was amazed by his significant growth, as it appeared longer than ever. Some even compared it to his famously long hair he had with the help of hair extensions. Now, it’s all natural!

Netizens were in awe of Felix’s long and healthy hair, especially since he had been bleaching it nonstop for a long time now.

Fans hope Felix doesn’t cut his hair anytime soon even if he changes his hair color.

Thankfully, if it is up to Felix, we won’t have to worry about scissors getting near his hair. He’s been outspoken about wanting to grow it out continually.

Read more below.

Stray Kids’ Felix Won’t Be Cutting His Hair Anytime Soon, As He Embraces Unisex Image

Stray Kids
