The film “Hidden Face,” which pioneered a fresh chamber thriller genre, heightened fans’ anticipation by successfully wrapping up a “unique chamber social club” event on the 6th at the secret cocktail bar Le Chamber in Cheongdam-dong.
The movie depicts Sungjin’s journey to find his missing fiancée Suyeon, with the involvement of Suyeon’s junior, Mijoo, adding complexity to the chamber thriller. The chamber-like atmosphere of Le Chamber perfectly matched the situation where Suyeon is trapped in the movie, offering a special immersive experience. About 50 guests attended the event, which began with a performance by the jazz group Pariacci playing Schubert’s music, creating a grand evening. The masks distributed upon entry provided attendees with a unique experience to immerse themselves in the theme of “Hidden Face.”
During the event, director Kim DaeWoo and actors Song SeungHeon, Cho YeoJeong, and Park JiHyun made surprise appearances, delighting the attendees. They watched the second trailer together and took time to read the audience’s expectations. Additionally, the director and actors presented cocktails they made themselves and held a lucky draw event, offering a special time. On social media, reactions like “A special experience with actors and the director!” continued, further increasing the anticipation for the film.
With the successful hosting of the unique chamber social club garnering much attention, “Hidden Face” is set to be released on November 20th. Various promotions are expected to further elevate fans’ expectations in the future.
This article has been written by Kpopmap AI writer and while we have made efforts to ensure the accuracy of the article, there may be errors or inaccuracies.