tvN’s upcoming drama “Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born” has released a new teaser!
Based on a popular webtoon, the upcoming drama is directed by Jung Ji In, known for “The Red Sleeve.” Set in the 1950s, shortly after the Korean War, the series follows Jeong Nyeon, a young vocal prodigy who dreams of becoming a top traditional theater actor. The show explores Jeong Nyeon’s journey through competition, teamwork, and personal growth amid a difficult era for the nation. The drama stars Kim Tae Ri, Shin Ye Eun, Ra Mi Ran, Jung Eun Chae, Kim Yoon Hye, and features a special appearance by Moon So Ri.
Kim Tae Ri plays Yoon Jeong Nyeon, a vocal prodigy who leaves her hometown Mokpo and heads to Seoul alone to pursue her dream of becoming a top traditional theater actress. She possesses not only a strong foundation in vocal performance but also a determined will, tenacity, and a friendly personality that allows her to easily make friends with anyone.
The released teaser, filmed in one take, shows Jeong Nyeon’s journey from an innocent Mokpo girl to a skilled traditional theater actress. As she moves from her hometown in Mokpo to the Maeran classical opera troupe and eventually to her dream stage, the teaser highlights her transformation with each new door she opens. There is a stark contrast between her innocent charm in the opening scene and her commanding presence on stage in the final scene.
Watch the teaser below!
“Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Born” premieres on October 12 at 9:20 p.m. KST.
In the meantime, watch Kim Tae Ri in “Alienoid” below!
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